There were moments of questioning and doubts:
- 1995 generation change,
- the (shocking!) allowance of blood fractions - whatever happened to “he who is faithful in what is least is also faithful in much”??
- the ridiculous Revelation Climax book, which, for some absurd reason we studied repeatedly!! and its heavenly trumpet blasts being convention resolutions from the 1920’s which nobody even remembers anymore
- various doctrinal issues that didn’t feel right (example, it felt like our door-to-door ministry was actually condemning people to death if they ignored our message, since they would have a better chance of paradise if they did not know or hear about the “good news”!!)
*** But the thing which FINALLY tore the blinders off was “MY BOOK OF BIBLE STORIES”
- I was going to give a copy to our dear little grandchildren, who couldn’t even read yet, and then I began looking at the pictures.....
It made me wonder what kind of men would put out such a terrible and frightening, graphic book for little children... and then I realized that it was, yes, approved by the governing body, most of whom did not even have children!! It made me realize that they were just making it all up as they go, that they were clueless and did not have any “holy spirit” at all....